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History of the North Carolina State Council, Inc.

58th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.

The North Carolina State Council is an affiliate of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. and evolves out of the historical Carolina State Council, 24th Episcopal District, the honorable Bishop Richard E. Young, dioscesan.

In a visionary move, Bishop Young recommended that the 72 year old Council be separated into two states. This decision birthed the groundwork for the North Carolina State Council.

The legacy of the Carolina State Council is shared by these two states with a rich heritage. Bishop Young at the helm of the South Carolina State, while Bishop Edward C. Roberts was the Diocesan of the North Carolina State Council to make a continuing landmark as both North and South Carolina Councils step into their "new seasons".

At the demise of our beloved and honorable Bishop Edward C. Roberts in October of 2010. The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World made a decision to leave his office vacant for one year at which time a new diocesan, Bishop Marion E. Wright Sr. was appointed.

God gave Bishop Wright a vision for new and innovative ideas for establishing churches. In fulfilling this vision, the Council must REACH out to lost souls; CONNECT with other churches, cultures and communities; challenge pastors to GROW their congregations and net worth, teaching them to DEVELOP ministries to meet the needs of the people, and HONOR GOD with their lives. It’s a New Day! It’s a New Season! God has called you to be a visionary. “The Visionary Christian is one who appreciates the past, lives in the present, but thinks in the future.” George Barno.”

100 Years of Legendary Leadership in the carolinas
